Sky Fury glow plug

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Sky Fury glow plug

Postby coosbaylumber » Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:51 am

Well, I still have my old DYO X-1000 which came equipped with a Sky Fury. Somewhere around the late 1950's the Palm Springs dealer recommended we buy numerous glow plugs for the engine and save a big five mile trip into town. Have used up all but one of them now.

Quite some years ago, I got an adapter which enables insertion of a more modern, late model glow plug to be used. The engine runs OK, but not as of when. If I screw in the last of the original glow plugs, there is a noticible increase of RPM. My thought is that this is due to a bit more compression over the adaption.

Haven't seen an original glow plug for a .049 Sky Fury in some time now. Had heard that some firm in Great Lakes area would take your old bum glow plugs and insert a new wire. I have several bum ones still around that I would like to get repaired and useable.

Does this work? and who is this fellow?

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