K&B 61 (#6170) original muffler

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K&B 61 (#6170) original muffler

Postby Aerodesign » Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:41 pm

I have 3 K&B's .61 model #6170 and I would like to use it on a competition held here in Brazil.

The point is that acording to the competitions rules we can use a K&B #6170 but it must be totally original including the muffler. I oppened all my K&B's and noted that the parts inside the mufflers are different from one to another engine.

- The first one has kind of a big baffle holded by a compressed spring and a brass cap;
- The second one has o small baffle at the end of the muffler, just before an aluminiun cap;
- The third one has nothing but the commom screw, this one has a plastic cap.

In fact, I would like a description ( if you a have a photo or a draw would be better) of the original configuration.

Thanks (It's urgent!!)
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Location: Sao Carlos, Brazil

Postby MECOA » Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:16 pm

the first 2 you define are stock.

They always have a baffle in them.
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