8011 ring

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8011 ring

Postby fastpace » Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:12 pm

I looked threw all the posts and could not find the answer to the question of the ring for 8011 engine. did find and I knew the ring gap should not be by any ports. I took an 8011 a part and cleaned it up and cleaned the ring, and set the ring away from any ports did improve idle and compression. it ran very well for a well used engine, now when I took the muffler off I saw the ring gap was showing in the ex port, should I redo it or leave it alone, don't like having the ring gap showing in the port. Thanks for any help or advice.
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Postby MECOA » Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:24 pm

Doesn't matter where the gap is on any small port sleeves like the 8011 or 4011

It only matters on wide ports where the end of the ring can actually pop out and get caught in the port. These rings are always pinned at the end gap so the line up in an unported area.

Fact is on the 8011 type unpinned ring, you can look in the exhaust with a strobe light while the engine is running you will actually see the end gap moving around. Actually a good thing as you know the cylinder and ring are nice and round.

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